Green Energy & Tech For EuropeSustainable Economic Growth For Livno
& The Canton of Herzeg-Bosnia

Energy MarketsKey Facts Years 2022-2023


Renewable Energy

Will Become The World's Largest Energy Carrier


Need For Growth Of
Green Energy Capacities

To Reach Climate Goals & Match Energy Demand

Wind generator

Three Main ChallengesRenewable Energies (REN) In Europe

  • 01.
    Production Capabilities
  • 02.
    Storage Capabilities
  • 03.
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The Competition ForThe Best Locations Has Only Just Begun


GET Is The First Private PublicPartnership For REN in BiH

Ursula von der Leyen

Our goal is sustainable economic growth for the region & secure green energy supply for Europe.

Dr. Ivan Vukadin, Primeminister of the Herzeg-Bosnia Canton

Ursula von der Leyen

We firmly believe that green energy from our region can become a driver for more geo-political balance and peace in Europe and can support BiH’s efforts to become an EU member state.

Jozo Ćosić, President of the Municipal Assembly

Pero Vrdolhak

GET is partnering with international investors, European institutions and the dedicated people of the region, to develop together the region’s vast resources of wind, solar, hydro and bio-mass. Our goal is to do both, to generate sustainable economic growth for the Herzeg-Bosna Canton and to supply green electricity to the European energy market. GET is designed to become a project of common interest and to contribute to European energy independence.

Pero Vrdoljak, Board Of Directors Of Zero Emissions AG & CEO Of GET Holding Livno

This Is The PurposeOf GET


Secure Supply Of Affordable Electricity


Sustainable Economic Growth For The Herzeg-Bosnia Canton


European Energy Independence


Geo-Political Stability & Peace in South-East Europe/WesternBalkans

Vision 2022-2030A Circular Eco-System For Secure European
REN Supply With An Energy Yield Of 3’000 GWh p.a.

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