Location& Regional Scope

The Location:The Herzeg-Bosnia Canton, Municipalities Around Livno, BiH

It is characterised by the unique connectivity of a mountain landscape (> 1,077 meters above sea level) that is close to the sunny Adriatic Coast of Croatia (Split). The region is by nature exceptionally windy and is closely connected to the largest artificial water reservoir in Europe.

The location is ideal for green energy exploitation: It is owned by the Canton’s municipalities and there is no relevant commercial or private usage.

It is right at the border to Croatia and under the Private Public Partnership Agreement between the Canton and Zero Emissions AG.

Wind generator
Ursula von der Leyen

European Parliament

The Western BalkansBelong To The European Union

Germany is focusing in particular on supporting the use of renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency. Bosnia and Herzegovina has enormous – and as yet largely untapped – potential for the generation of energy from hydropower, wind power, biomass and solar energy. With international support, the country now has the opportunity to generate revenues by exporting energy to neighbouring countries.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission, Western Balkan Summit & Official Visit in BiH, September 30th and October 6th,, 2021

Olaf Scholz


The Successful EU IntegrationOf The Western Balkans Are At The Top Of The German Goverment’s Political Agenda

The countries of the Western Balkans are of strategic importance to Germany and they are also important for the stability of the region and the whole of Europe. The successful EU integration of the Western Balkans is also of strategic interest for the EU. It is about our own security, which cannot be achieved without a stable European Western Balkans.

Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor, Speech in German Bundestag, Mai 19th , 2022

Johann Sattler

European Parliament

BiH United, Peaceful, ProsperousAnd A Future Member State Of The EU

Bosnia and Herzegovina: united, peaceful, prosperous and a future Member State of the European Union. We share these aspirations of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Combining the resources of the European Union, we are assisting the institutions at all levels, the business community, civil society and citizens to make this EU future happen.

Johann Sattler, Head of the EU Delegation to BiH and EU Special Ambassador in BiH,

BiH Has EnourmousAnd As Yet Large Untapped - Potential For The Generation Of Renewable Energy.

Germany is focusing in particular on supporting the use of renewable energy and enhancing energy efficiency. Bosnia and Herzegovina has enormous – and as yet largely untapped – potential for the generation of energy from hydropower, wind power, biomass and solar energy. With international support, the country now has the opportunity to generate revenues by exporting energy to neighbouring countries.

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The Country Intends To TapInto This Treasure Trove Of Renewable Energies - With Support From KFW

There is a favourable wind blowing for renewable energy sources in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it's all down to the fact that the mountainous region in south-west Herzegovina offers good conditions for a wind farm. The wind whistles unimpeded over a barren “moonscape”and nobody is disturbed by the turbines. The country intends to tap into this treasure trove - with support from KfW on behalf of the German Federal Government.

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Lilyana Pavlova

European Investment Bank

Our Unwavering Support ForThe Sustainable Development Of BiH Stretches Back Over 40 Years

Our unwavering support for the sustainable development of Bosnia and Herzegovina stretches back over 40 years. The country will be able to strengthen its energy supply, increase power generation from renewable resources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Developing the infrastructure will generate numerous benefits for local communities and bring the country closer in line with the Green Agenda’s environmental goals for the Western Balkans.

Lilyana Pavlova, EIB Vice-President, in charge of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Press Release on May 10th, 2022

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