
Wind Is One Of The MainRenewable Energy Sources Of GET’sPlanned Energy Production Portfolio

GET wind energy

We Aim To Develop Own Wind Parks“from scratch” Or To Purchase Projects That Are Already In Development.

As co-investor, we are proud to partner with Aspiravi, one of the leading European renewable energy producers. Next update on our projects and the development schedule is planned for September 1st, 2022.

For more information on our wind projects, please contact us:

Rick van de Walle, CEO Aspiravi Holding

European Investment Bank

We Support The DevelopmentOf GET Wind With A Substantial Investment Commitment.

The founders of Zero Emissions AG and GET Holding are trusted partners for years. As Aspiravi is owned by Belgian municipalities, GET’s collaborative regional uplifting approach in partnership with the municipalities of the Herzeg-Bosnia Canton, is at the very core of our DNA. We believe in the potential of renewable energies in BiH.

Rick van de Walle, CEO Aspiravi Holding

Hydro Plays A Key RoleIn Our Strategic Eco-System Approach: Storage & Peak-Load Balancing

GET water energy

Hydro Project StatusFeasibility Studies In Progress

Next update on our projects and the development schedule is planned for September 1st, 2022.

For more information on our hydro projects, please contact us

We Are Currently EvaluatingPotential Solar Projects In The Region

GET wind energy
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